AECS Hyderabad - 2

Engaging personnel for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) purely on Contract Basis in AEC Schools, Hyderbad:
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Admission Notification for DAE Wards for Classes BV-I,II & III, Classes I to X. | Application Form

Admission Notification for DAE Wards for Classes BV-I,II & III, Classes I to X. | Application Form

Engaging Teachers Purely on Contract Basis\per hour basis, AEC Schools,Hyd, for academic year 2025-26: | Application Form

Fee dates for DAE wards


RTE Application

Non-DAE Circular

Non-DAE Application

SBI Collect BV1 to IX for fee collection 2024-25

Application Form for Admission to Balvatika I,II,III & Classes I-X for 2024-25 for DAE Wards

Letter to the Parents of DAE Wards for Admission (2024-25)

Internal Complaints Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harrasment


Atomic Energy Central School is governed by AEES(Atomic Energy Education Society-Mumbai) a Governing Council consisting of members of the Department of Atomic Energy. At present AECS mans the Schools at Anushakthi Nagar and Tarapur ( Maharashtra),Hyderabad and Manuguru (Andhra pradesh), Narora (Uttarpradesh), Kakrapar (Gujarat), Oscam(Orissa), Indore (Madhyapradhesh), Rawathbhata(Rajasthan), Anupuram, Kalpakkam and Kudangulam(Tamilnadu), Kaiga and Mysore(Karnataka), Jaduguda and Narwapahar(Jharkhand). The first school by the AECS was begun in the year 1969, in Anushaktinagar,Mumbai, to cater to the needs of educating children / wards of employees of the Dept. of Atomic Energy. The AEES has added schools commensurate with the growth of the activities in DAE and consequent increase in the strength of employees. Today, in Hyderabad, there are 2 schools and one junior college with a total student strength of about 3000. To address the needs of these students 200 staff members work in the schools. Each school is complete with the requisite number of teachers & staff, infrastructure, laboratories & grounds for sports and games. The School runs classes from pre-prep to X

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